A Tale of Two Fathers

by Matteo Winkler and Kellen Trilha Schappo

This article comments on the judgment no 12193 rendered by the Sezioni Unite of the Corte di Cassazione on 8 May 2019, where the recognition and registration, in Italy, of a foreign parental order inscribing the nonbiological parent as the children’s legal father were denied on the ground that they violated the prohibition of surrogacy under Italian law, which was considered to be of public policy. It scrutinises this judgment in two steps. First, it criticises the court’s methodology in the construction of the notion of public policy both in general and with particular regard to the surrogacy ban. Second, it examines whether the best interests of the children involved were sufficiently taken account of, and it finds that they were not. It concludes that, contrary to what the law prescribes, this judgment failed to give voice to the children born via surrogacy abroad and living with parents of the same sex.

DOI 10.23815/2421-2156.ITALJ           ISSN 2421-2156

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