5 THE ITALIAN LAW JOURNAL NO. 2 (2019) Lights and Shadows of the Italian Law on Citizens’ Income by Elena Vivaldi The article aims at analysing the recent Italian decreto legge 28 January 2019 no 4 (converted by legge 28 March 2019 no 26) on Citizens’ Income. After examining the new regulatory measure, the article deals with the role of the local authorities in the implementation of the measure, analysing also the role of the Municipalities in the activation of projects useful for the Community, in which to employ the beneficiaries of the Citizens’ Income. In conclusion, the article considers the scope of the constitutional provision of basic level of benefits relating to social entitlements, in light of the provisions of the decreto legge on Citizens’ Income, both in the social and labour spheres. DOI 10.23815/2421-2156.ITALJ ISSN 2421-2156