Contract As a Tool for Getting-to-yes: A Civil Law Perspective by L. Coppo
Social Networks and Private Law by C. Perlingieri
by J-F. Kervegan
Secolarizzazione del diritto e giustificazione normativa by T. Gutmann
by G.J. Postema
by O. Cavallar, J. Kirshner
Boosting European Security Law and Policy by Vv. Aa.
Prevention of Environmental Harm under General International Law by M. Gervasi
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties by G. Pascale, S. Tonnolo
Private Law. Notes on the Italian System by G.R. Filograno
Trending topics in international and EU law: legal and economic perspectives by M.C. Baruffi, M. Orfino
by A. Cernigliaro
The EU pharmaceutical market: crossing paths between regulation,competition law and free movement by D. Danieli
EU Regulations 650/2012, 1103 and 1104/2016: cross-border families, international successions, mediation issues and new financial assets by S. Landini
by R. Winkels, N. Lettieri and S. Faro
Legal Perspective on Blockchain Theory, Outcomes, and Outlooks by A. Borroni
New Challenges for Administrative Procedure in Europe by P. Duret, G. Ligugnana
Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Collection of Research Papers 2011 by N. Anand, C. Tamburrino and A. Tavella
by M. Ricolfi - C. Sappa
Higher legal culture and postgraduate legal education in Europe by V. Olgiati This volume is the product of an International Symposium organized at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Urbino «Carlo Bo», Italy, in connection with the celebrations for the Fifth Centenary of the foundation of the Urbino University. The Symposium aimed at discussing theoretical models and empirical evidences of current supply provided by public institutions and/or semi-public and private agencies as regards academic and vocational education about higher legal knowledge and professional legal know-how in a variety of European countries. The essays presented and discussed during the Symposim, and now gathered in this volume, constitute a highly specific contribution to a broader Research Programme devoted to monitor and promote legal education, in so far as they offer materials for a comparative analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective such as that of Sociology of Law. These materials make apparent not only the mixture of either country-specific or supra/trans-national patterns within European higher legal culture and professional legal education systems, but also the need to enlarge and refine the range of theoretical and methodological approaches to the same patterns vis-à -vis the amount of symbolic and material implications of current epochal social and legal changes.
Enhancing the regulation of credit rating agencies, in search of a method by A. Miglionico L'indagine sull'operatività delle agenzie di rating è condotta avendo riguardo alle valutazioni dei prodotti da parte dei raters che assumono fondamentale rilievo, in quanto rappresentano un indice di affidamento e reputazione delle società emittenti i titoli. Come è noto, le agenzie di rating emettono giudizi sulla solidità e credibilità del prodotto finanziario negoziato. In tale ambito, si affronta la problematica circa l'identificazione del valore che il giudizio emesso dalle agenzie di rating assume sul comportamento degli operatori economici. In siffatta prospettiva, viene esaminata la possibilità di considerare quale fonte di responsabilità per il comportamento delle agenzie la teoria dell'Estoppel Rule, formulata dalla dottrina civilistica anglosassone, secondo cui il soggetto che ha fatto affidamento sul giudizio dei raters può invocare il danno subito nell'essere stato indotto ad acquistare un titolo senza la necessaria indicazione del possibile downgrade (con ciò influenzando negativamente l'aspettativa di guadagno dell'investitore). La ricerca sottolinea, quindi, come il giudizio di rating deve essere in grado di orientare l'investitore nelle operazioni di acquisto, contenendo il rischio di insolvenza del credito e mantenendo nel contempo accurata la previsione di rendimento.In the homonymous 1981 bestseller ‘Getting To Yes’ is a synonym for reaching an agreement, either after a Deal-Making Negotiation or as the outcome of a Dispute Settlement one. The phantom thread between the two is that the very same contract being both a conflict solved and a source of conflict can itself provide the rules for its own conflict-solving, in a time when the parties’ disposition is not yet undermined by resentment or revenge. The more such rules are contextualised and tailored for the parties’ needs, the more settlement will prevail over litigation and the number of issues left to post-dispute negotiation will be reduced. In this perspective, the purpose of the book is to identify the milestones of the ‘path to Yes’, on one hand by investigating the tormented relationship between contract-design and contemporary contracting, too often slave of standard forms, on the other hand by analysing the features of the most useful clauses widespread in international commercial practice and their compliance with the Italian system.
As social networks have become widely and greatly used, it is necessary to address the legal framework of these particular digital environments, which consists not only of legislative or contractual rules, but also of a group of legal rules having a technical origin, as well as of just technical rules that can affect private relationships effectively. The nature of the agreements entered into by social web managers and users involves also the negotiability of the existential characters of the individual by recognizing a contract concerning the exchange of licenses to use intangible assets. The proposed research outcome, which is related to the fundamental values of the individual, makes it possible to revisit the use of remedies, mostly the ad nutum withdrawal from social networks, which is generally not associated with any requirement of notice. It also makes it possible to consider the duty of integrity and fairness as a standard of behaviour for any digital platform operators, who are under an obligation to give clear and simple information as to the platforms’ functioning and any changes occurred in the criteria of their operation.
La teoria del diritto di Hans Kelsen non finisce d’essere fonte di riflessione per il giusfilosofo a ormai piú di cento anni dalla sua prima elaborazione (che si ebbe nei ponderosi Hauptprobleme der Staatsrechtheorie pubblicati nel 1911). La sua cristallina sistematica ha da sempre attratto il giurista ed il filosofo alla ricerca di architetture e di sistemi generali e di fondazioni irrefutabili. Il trascendentalismo ed il logicismo della «dottrina pura» sembrano poter soddisfare una tale esigenza. Alla quale si accompagna il desiderio di neutralità che risulta fortissimo per chi, come il teorico ed il pratico del diritto, ha per così dire quotidianamente le mani in pasta nella preparazione di fatti ultimativi e di decisioni sulla vita ed i beni dei cittadini. Il kelsenismo potrebbe essere un riparo dagli schizzi di responsabilità che una tale manipolazione di norme, e di vite ahinoi, necessariamente provoca e diffonde. Ontologia ed epistemologia sono messe in moto per la giustificazione della prassi del giurista, e per un recupero della sua dignità, compromessa da secoli di vicinanza al potere, ed ora dalla possente figura dello Stato, ma soprattutto dal cambiamento di paradigma scientifico che lo espone indifeso alla critica di quanti non gli riconoscono più statuto di «scienziato», ovvero produttore di «verità». François Kervégan con fine sensibilità di filosofo politico affronta questi temi da una prospettiva alta, ma allo stesso tempo consapevole dell’elevata posta in gioco.
Il volume accoglie due saggi di Gerald J. Postema, per la prima volta resi disponibili al lettore italiano. Si tratta di riflessioni sui temi della sistematicità del diritto e del principio di legalità, che l’Autore propone con lucidità di pensiero e originalità. Nel primo saggio, Postema riannoda i fili della tradizione del pensiero di common law per argomentarne la pretesa di intrinseca sistematicità. Se Holland definisce il common law come un «caos con un indice completo», e altri studiosi, da Bentham a Birks, ne lamentano l’assenza di sistema e la tendenza all’affastellamento disordinato di categorie giuridiche, Postema ne coglie la vocazione sistematica. Su questa linea, quindi, l’Autore critica anche la risoluta difesa di una posizione anti-teorica e di tendenziale resistenza alla sistematizzazione che avanzano alcuni studiosi contemporanei. Il problema del principio di legalità è, invece, l’argomento affrontato da Postema nel secondo saggio. Muovendo dall’osservazione per cui le speculazioni teoriche classiche sul concetto di Stato di diritto avrebbero dedicato scarsa attenzione al problema etico del rispetto della legge, Postema propone una peculiare interpretazione dell’«etica della fedeltà al diritto», quest’ultima intesa come responsabilità di ciascuno per il «tutto», ottenibile soltanto attraverso gli sforzi di cooperazione di ogni membro della società. Sottomettersi al governodel diritto significa assoggettarsi ad una rete di responsabilità reciproche, sebbene non sempre corrispettive. Ed è soltanto in questa rete solidale di responsabilità che, per Postema, è possibile imbrigliare il potere arbitrario e consentire allo Stato di diritto di mantenere le sue nobili promesse.
Prevention of environmental harm is commonly regarded as an obligation established by a customary rule of international law. However, many questions are still unanswered, including the exact content of such an obligation. This book attempts to address those questions by proposing a different reconstruction: it is argued that prevention of environmental harm amounts to a general principle of international law, rather than a customary rule. To this end, the book discusses the weaknesses of the classifìcation of prevention as a customary obligation. It then demonstrates that prevention of environmental harm has actually operated as a general principle, inspiring the formation of more specifìc rules and performing a guiding function within international case law. In light of this, the problem of the content of prevention under general international law is reformulated as one of identifying the customary rules embodying it. Since the dilution of prevention of environmental harm by the concept of sustainable development is apparent from the current trends within customary international law, the book concludes by exploring what role the principle of prevention might play in the future, particularly in a de-growth scenario.
A multitude of scholarly writings in many languages concern the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT). Nevertheless, uncertainties and difficulties can be still identified when trying to understand whether and to what extent the VCLT is still central in international law and if it fits into the current international legal scenario. Such uncertainties and difficulties have resulted in the writing of this book. Hence, the chapters here collected aim at untangling the yarns of some open issues and at filling some gaps in order to ultimately establish whether at present the VCLT continues to have a role in international law. The main perspective is that of public international law. However, some room is reserved to problems stemming from the relationship between the VCLT and EU Law. The VCLT is also observed through the lens of private international law.
The work is a guide for those who need to study Italian private law in English. Without any presumption of completeness, this textbook covers the most important areas of the field in question, seeking to adequately explain the principles and rules of greatest interest within a unitary framework and consistent with the fundamental values of the constitutional legal system.
Forty years after the provocative essay by Grant Gilmore, The death of the contract, some of the most important jurists – both historians and positivists, together – meet to discuss and make the point on contracts. The dialogue that develops, each with its own experience, with its specific voice, is intense and without foreclosure. It holds, in particular, a «scope» where specifically the interaction between theory and practice is realized. In a scenario – yesterday as today – in rapid change, the conventional institute itself proposes «moving»: an unmistakable sign of constant and renewed vitality. With the introduction of Paolo Grossi and the conclusions of Pietro Rescigno, with the «participating» presidencies of Giuseppe Abbamonte, Pietro Perlingieri and Salvatore Mazzamuto, witness a close and vital cultural solidarity by Maria Teresa Alvarez Moreno, Cesare Massimo Bianca, Italo Birocchi, Fernando Bocchini, Paolo Cappellini, Giovanni Cazzetta, Silvia Díaz Alabart, Francesco Macario, Ugo Mattei, Pietro Perlingieri, Paolo Pollice, Pasquale Stanzione, Daniela Valentino.
The papers collected in the present book intend to disseminate the results of the Goineu Plus project on the application of regulations 1103 and 1104 of 2016 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to property regimes of families, also in conjunction with the regulation on international succession 650 / 2012. It is thus intended to make a significant contribution to the uniform application of Community legislation in an area of particular interest due to the current importance of migratory phenomena and to financial assets in family property.
In the past decade the concept of network has acquired a growingly relevant role in the way we conceptualize, study and measure the world. The computational study of networks in all its declensions has been entering in a variety of fields including social sciences. This volume brings together researchers from computational social science, law and computational legal theory, network science and related disciplines to discuss the actual and potential applications of network analysis in the legal domain. Law is made by people, about and for people and institutions. These people or institutions can be seen as networks, moreover law itself forms networks, sources of law refer to other sources of law and together constitute (part of) the core of the legal system. All these phenomena can be detected, mapped and analysed in order to get deeper insights about their structure, their function and their evolution. The nine contributions collected in the volume deal with these topics offering an up to date overview of the most relevant research strands in this field.
Publications in the «Law Science Technology» series will deal, from one point of view, with looking more closely at and revisiting classical topics of Legal Informatics, and from another, at innovative topics arising out of the dialogue between legal science and a range of research areas ranging from cognitive sciences to complexity science, from computer science to computational social science and biological sciences.When Bitcoin made its appearance in 2009, it has been welcomed as an Internet prodigy and condemned as the ideal tool for committing crimes on the net. Bitcoin is only the top of an iceberg working only through the technology behind, named blockchain, which can be used for many applications, being employed to generate the so-called smart contracts, to foster payments, to implement new financial instruments, to collect taxes, to manage IP rights, and to favor the democratic participation processes of governance and organizational structures.
A lot of industries have yet to gather their potentials and the techniques in which blockchain can be utilized to make procedures more efficient or to advance new services. This book underlines the need for the law to rule on it: potentiality and novelty are well received but this technology calls for new guidelines and methodologies to legal thinking. This volume provides an outlook for the blockchain technology, in a multidisciplinary perspective, and analyzes how the scholars are working out solutions to tackle these new legal issues.
Extracting Value from Public Sector Information: Legal Framework and Regional Policies